Omg it has been forever since my last blog post. Btw I have no clue what it was about lol. We have moved to Bucharest, Romania. Our children had no problem with adjusting to our no oversea life. As a matter of fact they had no problem with the zone change as well. Myself on the other hand it took me a week to adjust. Then I started getting sick. I wasn't taking the adjust well.
But here we are 6 months into it and I LOVE it. My family and I are learning more about what our bodies can and can not take. I started a new get fit journey and loving it. Our now 4 year old son has had medical issues which hospitalized him for a bit. Today he is doing very well. Our daughter turned 7 a little before arriving here, she has made tons of friends. My husband is traveling and making money so he's happy lol.
I hope I can continue to blog about our journey while living here but I'm not making any promises to myself.